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Symptoms of anxiety and depression in

Symptoms of anxiety and depression in

Symptoms of anxiety and depression in

 Arjuna Uvaacha





Drishtwemam swajanam krishna yuyutsum samupasthitam.



Arjuna said:

  Seeing these, my kinsmen, O Krishna, arrayed, eager to fight,


Seedanti mama gaatraani mukham cha parishushyati;


Vepathushcha shareere me romaharshashcha jaayate.



 My limbs fail and my mouth is parched up, my body quivers and my hairs stand on end!


Gaandeevam sramsate hastaat twak chaiva paridahyate;


Na cha shaknomyavasthaatum bhramateeva cha me manah.



 The (bow) “Gandiva” slips from my hand and my skin burns all over; I am unable even


to stand, my mind is reeling, as it were.


Nimittaani cha pashyaami vipareetaani keshava;


Na cha shreyo’nupashyaami hatwaa swajanam aahave.



 And I see adverse omens, O Kesava! I do not see any good in killing my kinsmen in





Na kaangkshe vijayam krishna na cha raajyam sukhaani cha;


Kim no raajyena govinda kim bhogair jeevitena vaa.



 For I desire neither victory, O Krishna, nor pleasures nor kingdoms! Of what avail is a


dominion to us, O Krishna, or pleasures or even life?


Yeshaam arthe kaangkshitam no raajyam bhogaah sukhaani cha;


Ta ime’vasthitaa yuddhe praanaamstyaktwaa dhanaani cha.



Those for whose sake we desire kingdoms, enjoyments and pleasures, stand here in


battle, having renounced life and wealth.

